Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
“To resist is to create”: Radical Publishing with Spookstad - Uitgeverij Spookstad/Spookstad Editions
In this session, we will talk about the meaning and the potential of radical publishing. To what extent do artistic practices – like, among others, making books – further the…

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Full Spectrum Resistance - Pipi & Jelle
How can we be powerful, create diverse strategies to protect life on Earth? And what can do we learn from resistance movements in the past? In this interactive workshop we will work with these questions. The workshop is inspired by the book Full Spectrum Resistance by Aric McBay.

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
De dystopie die het Anthropoceen heet - Pieter Lemmens, Maria Karssenberg
Discussie tussen filosoof Pieter Lemmens (RU) en Maria Karssenberg over wat het Anthropoceen betekent en of deze definitie hulp biedt bij het begrijpen van de verschillende crisissen van deze tijd en hoe we vanuit hier aan een toekomst kunnen werken.