Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Practical approaches to building international solidarity movements - Rizgar Botan, London Mexico Solidarity, Kashmir Solidarity Group, Jina Collective
In this panel, we will share practices and approaches of supporting the needs of resistance movements across long distances, with individuals building support for struggles in Kashmir, Iran, Kurdistan, and Mexico.
Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
A Journey for Life with the Zapatistas in Slumil K´Ajxemk´op - La Gira Holanda
The Coordination Group of la Gira Holanda will share their experiences, some testimonials of the participants of the Journey and discuss the vital role of international solidarity. Additionally, the Coordination Group will share the next steps of La Gira Zapatista.
Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
Internationale Solidariteit - Radical Solidarity
Wat is internationale solidariteit en hoe bouwen we dat op? Tijdens dit panel zullen we met personen uit verschillende strijden bespreken wat hun behoeftes zijn, wat internationale solidariteit voor hen betekent en hoe we dat als linkse/anarchistische beweging kunnen vormgeven.
Uit de Pan - In het Vuur - Online 2021
Comfortably numb: perspectives on action within geographic contexts - Marina and Kasia, Suinbike Suleimenova, Roberto Morris & Renato D'Alencon
How does the experience of organizing, direct action, research, and other political activity relate to the local and historical contexts in which they exist? What can activists in different cultures and political climates find different or common, what lessons can they learn from each other's experience? How does it relate to one's position in the neocolonial global North/South divide?
Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Climate change, conflict and migration - Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop the War on Migrants, CODE ROOD, Stop Wapenhandel
Panel discussion about the future of the nexus climate change, energy security, migration, (armed) conflict and arms trade. Why should social movements active on these subjects work together and how can we cooperate to tackle the intertwined issues?
Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Bewegingsgeschiedenis: Acties tegen Shell in de jaren 80 en 90 - Kees Stad
Honderden acties werden er in de jaren 1980 tegen Shell gevoerd. Van brandstichting tot bezettingen en keurige picketlines en vooral: het doorsnijden van slangen bij het pompstation werd daarbij ingezet. Hoe lukte het om half Nederland op de been te krijgen om risicovolle directe acties te ondernemen? En wat was het resultaat van al die acties?
Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Lessons from Rojava - Defend Rojava
Internationalists discuss their experiences in Rojava, the ideology and structure of the Rojava Revolution and the current situation of the region. What can we in a European context learn from northern Syria? Particular emphasis on the women's revolution.
Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Feminist and intersectional takes on the climate crisis - Dominique Just, Diederick van den Ende, Fleur, Karijn van den Berg
In this interactive workshop intersectional feminist researcher Karijn van den Berg is joined by several activists, organisers and thinkers to discuss and strengthen feminist intersectional approaches to our current socio-ecological crises. We will discuss the importance of intersectional action for climate justice, connecting with other issues and movements, and how to put this into practice.