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Over de Grens - Maastricht 2016

Activist, your message in a Demo, dance it high and big!

Location Caracola Ruimte 1

President Rooseveltlaan 213

Sharing stories and video about use of DemoUnits. DemoUnits to sleep in during Occupy in London. DemoUnits to dance with, DemoUnits for big exhibitions.

Part 1: 15 years use DemoUnits in practice

How marching with DemoUnit towers works in practice: Occupy London, Klimacamp Ruhr, Peoples March Berlin, Tihange …. 15 years of DemoUnits activism.

Sharing stories and video about use of DemoUnits. DemoUnits to sleep in during Occupy in London. DemoUnits to dance with, DemoUnits for big exhibitions.