Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Reclaim the Seeds and Voedselpark Amsterdam- Sunflower Seeds Sorting and Stories for children - Voedselpark Amsterdam, Reclaim the Seeds
We want to get people to know more about sunflowers through a workshop which will involve sunflower seed sorting and potentially planting them in the neighborhood. We also want to…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Lino Landscapes – peatland inspired print workshop - Bobbi & Midge
This workshop weaves together activism, ecology, and creativity, offering participants an introduction to the Peatland Justice campaign and an interactive linoprinting session inspired by peatlands. We will begin with an…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Practical community preparedness in the age of climate catastrophes and rising fascism - Marnix - Action Assistance Hour, Anarchist Action Assistance Hour
Right now we are fighting global disasters, the rise of fascism and the rapidly changing climate. The reality is that disasters will happen AND that they will not be the…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Klimaatrechtvaardigheid of fascisme? Have your pick - Jelle de Graaf
De Aarde staat in brand, figuurlijk en letterlijk. De zesde massa-extinctie is begonnen. Tenzij we de manier waarop onze maatschappij is ingericht veranderen zal de planeet de komende jaren onomkeerbare…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
The Soft Spot: Weaving as Resistance & Collective Care - Julina Vanille Bezold
The Soft Spot is a travelling weaving initiative that explores textiles as a political tool, a site of resistance, and a practice of collective care. This drop-in weaving session invites…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
How can we organise against the greenwashing extractivism of Big Tech? - Infrastructural Rehearsals Collective
Have you been wondering about the relationship between the global military-industrial complex and genocidal Big Tech? Why should we disinvest from these technologies, and how can we do it? Infrastructural…

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Board game post-capitalist planning - Nina
Play "Cybernetic socialism: the board game" with the game designer / master and imagine a post-capitalist future. Players steer the economy by setting targets using industrial development, project, and policy cards, which cover the existing anti-capitalist spectrum.

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
RPG to explore movement-building strategies in the fight against gas and industrial agriculture - ASEED
In an interactive role-play game we will explore together how different grassroots movements and farmers can fight together against agrochemical corporations, gas companies and corrupt governments to stop expropriation of farmers for a new fossil gas pipeline.

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Comparing organisational cultures of Code Rood/Rouge NL and BE - Ike
We will compare the different decision making models organisational cultures of Code Rood (NL) and Code Rood/Rouge (BE) and will explore the pro's and con's of both models. What is the role of NGO's in a radicalising climate movement; Where to find resources to scale up our impact in a sustainable way? How can be we best protect ourselves as climate?

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Dragtivist Workshop with the House of Extinction - Fabric, Mannish Pixel, Kaotica
Drag monsters already reign the scene & bring the capitalist monsters to the light (looking at you Fracking Queen). To fuel this potential and spread like a sustainably-produced olive oil stain, world's first explicitly climate activist drag house will host a safe learning space for queer people and allies to come together, find their freedom in this art form and provoke the capitalist cistem in drag. Bring everything you'd like to experiment with! (double length time-slot).

Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
AH not to GO – A short story on supermarkets and why they are evil - Michel Louise
Albert Heijn Not To Go tells a story that really happened to somebody. From the automation in supermarkets, to the cheese industry, from the bread industry to the justice system, it traces a line between a kaasbroodje and a person, uncovering everything that's wrong in between.

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
What can anarchists learn from Extinction Rebellion? - Climate activists
Right from the very beginning XR has been met with a lot of criticism from people involved in radical politics. At the same nobody can deny XR's success in getting tens of thousands of people involved in direct action. So let's reverse the question: what can anarchists and other radicals learn from Extinction Rebellion?

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Fighting industrial agriculture - ASEED
Industrial Agriculture is responsible for half of all global greenhouse gas emissions and upholding colonial practices by using it's enormous lobbying power to trap farmers into cycles of debt and dependence.But knowledge is power, and understanding these systems can help us to take direct action to create food autonomy.

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Reflecting on Extinction Rebellion - Clara
Extinction Rebellion (XR) has an extreme stance on actions organised under its name: non-violent mass civil disobedience to disrupt – but also cooperation with the police. Where does this insistence on this tactic come from, and where to go from here?