Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Jews, Antisemitism and Decolonisation - Naomi, Tori, and Yoni
In this panel and Q&A, we will explore the relationship between decolonisation, jewish community, and antisemitism. The fight against antisemitism is often weaponized to prop up the Israeli regime and…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
In aktie tegen de NAVO-top in Den Haag - Naomi (ROOD), Wendela de Vries (Stop Wapenhandel), Kees Stad
We willen de huidige krisis binnen de NAVO doorgronden en de mogelijkheden voor aktie tegen de Haagse NAVO-top in juni in kaart brengen. https://nieuwevredesbeweging.nl/…

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Climate change, conflict and migration - Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop the War on Migrants, CODE ROOD, Stop Wapenhandel
Panel discussion about the future of the nexus climate change, energy security, migration, (armed) conflict and arms trade. Why should social movements active on these subjects work together and how can we cooperate to tackle the intertwined issues?