Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
FILM: Migration Diaries (film premiere + discussion) - 14 Path
“Migration Diaries” Produced by Path14 directed by Mahmoud Elenani, edited by Osama Elsayyad, this Documentary delves into the lives of five asylum seekers in the Netherlands as they navigate restrictive…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Getting money for activism: funding and fundraisers - Het Actiefonds, Alertfund for Youth Activism, Firestarter
Cash rules everything around us, so join us this afternoon in a conversation with some organizers on how to get funding for any and all sorts of activism, whether you…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Daad & Discussie – Geweld op links en het proefschrift van AIVD’er Hanselman - Harriet Bergman
Oud AIVD’er Berrie Hanselman schreef een proefschrift over extreem links: “Daad en Discussie – Links Geweld.” In deze open discussie bespreken we na een korte presentatie over de hoofdpunten van…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Uitgepolderd: wat doet de woonstrijdbeweging? - Woonopstand, de Bond Amsterdamse Huurders, Wij Weigeren de Huurverhoging, Straatconsulaat, globalinfo.nl, VrijCoop, Bond Precaire Woonvormen
De toch al ernstige wooncrisis neemt alleen maar toe. Huren en huizenprijzen blijven stijgen, en het gebrek aan betaalbare woonruimte neemt verder toe. We hebben nu een regering die alleen…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Nonbinary Yarns: Weaving the Future of Storytelling - Doppelpunkt Collective, Mara Facon
Nonbinary Yarns: Weaving the Future of Storytelling is an open discussion session around the theme of writing beyond the gender binary. We aim to initiate conversations about the experience and…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Reclaim the Seeds and Voedselpark Amsterdam- Sunflower Seeds Sorting and Stories for children - Voedselpark Amsterdam, Reclaim the Seeds
We want to get people to know more about sunflowers through a workshop which will involve sunflower seed sorting and potentially planting them in the neighborhood. We also want to…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Beyond Borders: Spinning Gandhi’s Nonviolence into Climate Justice and Resistance - Akash Kumar
Beyond Borders – it’s a symbol of resilience, autonomy, and collective action. Inspired by Gandhi’s spinning wheel, this workshop connects fiber arts to movements for justice, sustainability, and decolonization. In…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Dinner + Evening plenary + Joke Kaviaar + House of Extinction - Le Sabot, The House of Extinction, Joke Kaviaar
When we get to the end of the day, we’ll all get together to reflect on the sessions and thread our individual thoughts to form a collective fabric of collective…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Voorbereiden op arrestatie en verhoortraining - Arrestantengroep (AG)
De arrestantengroep geeft een workshop over voorbereiden op arrestatie, verhoor, en je rechten bij een arrestatie. Praat mee vanuit je eigen ervaring, stel vragen over de spookverhalen die je hebt…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
Reclaim the Seeds and Voedselpark Amsterdam- Sunflower Seeds Sorting and Stories - Voedselpark Amsterdam, Reclaim the Seeds
We want to get people to know more about sunflowers through a workshop which will involve sunflower seed sorting and potentially planting them in the neighborhood. The workshop will also…

Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025
The carceral state of India: Looking through the eyes of political prisoners - other indias + InSAF India
The rise of authoritarianism in India is fairly well known among progressive circles around the world. However, the extent and magnitude of state repression and its ties to religious supremacy,…