Many workshops will be in English, but most are in Dutch. The workshops are given in the language in which we promote them, however we will provide a whisper-translation-corner at each workshop for those who don’t speak English, or Dutch.
Location & Route
Start 2.Dh5 Friday evening
Landhuis, Maasmolendijk 24, Maastricht
NS Station to Landhuis
On foot: 18 min. (1,3 KM)
Public transport (bus): 3 min. (line 1,34,5,8,9,53, of 66)
The Friday evenint programme is in the Landhuis.
2.Dh5 Festival Saturday & Sunday
Caracola, President Rooseveltlaan 213, Maastricht
NS Station to Caracola
On foot: 12 min. (1 KM)
During the day time the workshop, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday take place in the Caracola.
Party Saturday evening
Landbouwbelang, Biesenwal 3, Maastricht
Caracola to Landbouwbelang:
On foot: 30 min. (2,3 KM)
Public transport (bus): 13 min. walk, then take bus (line 1,34,5,8,9,53, of 66) 3 mins., then walk for 4 mins.
NS Station to Landbouwbelang
On foot: 18 min. (1,3 KM)
Public transport (bus): 3 mins. (line 1,34,5,8,9,53, 66), then walk for 4 mins.
Sleeping places in Maastricht
A sleeping space has been arranged for participants in the 2.Dh5 festival for Friday and Saturday nights. Send us an e-mail to register slaapplek@2dh5.nl. Make sure to bring a warm sleeping bag and mattres with you.
Vrijdag night after the programme has finished in the Landhuis we will collectively go to the sleeping space at around 23.00 or 23.30. Next morning on Saturday we will all leave the space together at 08:30 and go for breakfast at Caracola. You can leave your sleeping stuff in the space on Saturday.
Zaterdag-nacht after the party in Landbouwbelang we will collectively go to the sleeping space somewhere between 12:00 and 01:00 (15 mins. walk). Sunday morning we all have to leave the space, and bring our all our sleeping stuff with us 08:30.
Sleeping stuff & house rules
Bring a speeling bag and mattress. You can leave your sleeping stuff in the space on Saturday. Sunday morning we have to take all our sleeping stuff with us to the Caracola.
The Cold
The sleeping space will be quite chilly. So make sure to bring a warm sleeping bag and clothes, and maybe an extra blanket just in case. We’re providing some extra heaters, but we can’t guarantee that the whole space will warm up well.
Breakfast will be provided on Saturday and Sunday morning at 09:00 in the Caracola.
We ask for a small participation fee of 5 Euros, and we serve food at cost prices.