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Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025

Stone by Stone, Strike by Strike: Reflections on Palestine Solidarity Organizing

Location Ru Paré

Chris Lebeaustraat 4

Palestine solidarity organizing and action has surged across the Netherlands over the past 16 months. We propose this assembly in order to reflect on this recent history - from strikes to sit ins, to barricades & blockades, from direct action & occupations to community self-defense against zionists - to collect our insights, to share our resources, and to move forward together as one fist.

We're not here to provide all the answers, to emotionally debrief the entire movement, or to propose a model for post-liberation Palestine. This is a space for collective thinking and critical exploration; in this, we will adhere to al-Thawabet in guiding our discussions (the right to resistance, the right to self determination, Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, and the right of Palestinian refugees to return), we ask all those attending to read and observe these red lines.

Extra info

Ru Paré
Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam
Black room