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Weaving resistance - Amsterdam 2025

Nauseating Abundance - Capitalism and the Human Condition

Location Ru Paré

Chris Lebeaustraat 4

If it is true, as Michel Foucault famously said, that "the soul is the prison of the body" (that is to say, that the subject as it is constructed by power takes precedence over and instrumentalizes the human bodies and its infinite possibilities), then it is worth it, in my opinion, to thoroughly dissect this idea of "soul", its origin, its purpose, and its functioning within capitalist ideology, in an attempt to break free of our own prisons.

What we are confronted with, throughout this inspection, is what Georges Bataille calls "the accursed share", "wasted" energy, the ultimate "nauseating" (as Sartre would say) Nothingness underlying the human condition. Understanding how ideology and capital work to create and regulate flows of energy through the production and recording of desires is, it seems to me, of crucial importance.


Extra info

Ru Paré
Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam
Brown room
Presentation + Q&A