The pandemic is still going on, so we want to make the 2.Dh5 festival as safe and accessible as possible given the current situation. This means that, as a self-organised grass-roots festival, each of us takes personal responsibility for the health and safety of those around us. For our part, we have formulated some guidelines to facilitate this.
To participate in the 2.Dh5 festival we ask you to:
- Do a self-test before arriving at the festival, even if you’re fully vaccinated and boosted. If you don’t have the means to get a self-test, we can provide one at the entrance. Please keep in mind that you’ll have to wait a bit before entering.
- Wearing a mask (preferably FFP2).
- Keep each other’s personal space in mind and avoid physical contact with people outside of your common circles.
- Keep hygienic measures in mind, wash your hands, cough inside your elbow, etc.
- When having symptoms related to covid, we ask you to stay home.
- Actively remind your friends and comrades of these points where appropriate.
To make 2.Dh5 as safe and accessible as possible we will:
- Make sure to provide sanitation to wash your hands regularly.
- Provide masks at the entrance / info-stand.
- Provide self-tests at the entrance / info-stand.
- Adequate ventilation of all spaces.
- Keep the maximum number of people per session/workshop low, to provide for more personal space.
- Live-stream a dozen workshops, and make audio recordings
- Set up a podcast and video channel were recordings can be listened to / viewed after the festival.