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Practical info


This year 2.Dh5 will again be held at Ru Paré in Amsterdam. 

Ru Paré
Huis van de wijk Slotervaart
Chris Lebeaustraat 4
1062 DC Amsterdam

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How to get there?

By public transport
Ru Paré is a 6 minutes walk from metro station Postjesweg or a 10 minute walk from train/metro station Lelylaan. You can take tram 1 or 17, bus 18 or metro 50 or 51. 

By car
There are paid parking possibilities in the area at €4,50 per hour on Saturday from 9:00 – 19:00. On Sunday parking is free.


There is paid parking in the area around Ru Paré that costs €4,50 per hour on Saturday from 9:00 – 19:00. On Sunday parking is free. There’s also a 24/7 Park & Ride at Comeniusstraat about a 10 min walk away that’s €2,16/hr or €13,37/day. 


Festival Entrance

We ask for a donation of between €7 and  €15 for the festival. You can get tickets for the festival at the info-stand. There is no presale of tickets.

2.Dh5 will never refuse entrance to anyone due to a lack of funds; however, the increased cost of everything, when coupled with the financial effects of our admittedly chill approach to enforcing the entrance fees the last few years, has meant that we need to beef up the relaxed approach to collecting entrance donations.

Be sure to bring cash (no PIN), also for the lunch, dinner, drinks and stands (see below).

Food and Drink

We are partnering with Le Sabot, who will be serving a vegan lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. 

Dinner will be on a donation base.

Get in touch with us if you have any special dietary needs.

Coffee/tea will be available per small suggested donation throughout both days; the bar/cafe in the main hall, which is a separate entity from the festival and operates throughout the year on weekdays for the benefit of the Ru Pare community, will also be open to sell beer, wine & carbonated drinks both festival days. You are able to pay by PIN and cash – Mastercard, Visa & other non-Maestro credit products aren’t accepted. 

There is an ATM approximately 750m from the building.

Sleeping spaces

For folks who want to stay for the night: A sleeping space has been arranged for Friday and Saturday nights in Amsterdam.


Make sure to bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping mat. We will have a place to store your bulky items at Ru Paré


Based on a significant amount of thoughtful and engaged feedback received over the past years in regards to corona we aim to make the festival as safe as possible given the current situation. This means that, as a self-organised grassroots festival, each of us takes personal responsibility for the health and safety of those around us. For our part, we have formulated some guidelines to facilitate this.

To participate in the 2.Dh5 festival we ask:

  • If you’re not feeling 100%, please do a self-test before arriving at the festival, even if you’re fully vaccinated and boosted.
  • When having symptoms related to COVID, we ask you to stay home;
  • If you feel comfortable with it, to wear mask (preferably FFP2);
  • Keep each other’s personal space in mind and avoid physical contact with people outside of your common circles;
  • Keep hygienic measures in mind, wash your hands, cough inside your elbow, etc;
  • Actively remind your friends and comrades of these points where appropriate;

To make 2.Dh5 as safe and accessible as possible we will:

  • Make sure to provide sanitation to wash your hands regularly;
  • Provide masks at the entrance/info booth;
  • Adequate ventilation of all spaces.
  • Keep the maximum number of people per session/workshop low, to provide for more personal space.
  • Arrange more stringent measures on a workshop by workshop basis, in coordination with the workshop organisers.

Access Notes

Physical Access

The main entrance to the festival is accessible from the courtyard via the large iron staircase from Thorn Prikkerstraat and by the elevator/lift located to the lower right of the stairs. 

Wheelchair Access

The entrance to the elevator is underneath the stairs and is accessible from Jan Eisenioeffeistraat. From the lift, you can enter the main central space, which is on the 2nd floor.

Many of the session rooms are on the 2nd floor, where you can also find the 2.Dh5 info-stand and all the other stands. There is an accessible toilet on this floor for those using wheelchairs & other mobility aids.

The greenhouses are on the 3rd floor. 

There is a chair lift on the stairs from the 2nd floor to the 3th floor. We will have someone at the lift to assist before and after sessions.

Unfortunately there is no lift to descend to the 1st floor. But there is an entrance to the 1st floor from a ramp accessible door on Chris Lebeaustraat.

Personal care assistants do not need to register or pay entrance to the festival. While there is no pre-sales or pre-registration for the festival, please do contact the festival organisers at least 72 hrs in advance of the festival opening so we can fully prepare and adequately plan for the requested accommodations before the festival begins.

Care support & access assistants do have to purchase meal tickets for the lunch and dinner.

And because this note is indeed only a note – please get in touch directly with us at to coordinate specific forms of assistance and support in advance. 

Praxis for Presence

In consideration of our visitors with multiple chemical sensitivities and autoimmune illnesses, we kindly ask that you do not wear any heavy perfumes of chemical fragrances during your visit to the festival.

We will have multiple areas of the building where you can take space and relax; we will also have a low sensory/stimuli space in a quiet part of the building – check the map when you arrive for the exact location.. 

Service dogs, support animals & companions are all welcomed, with all due considerations to individual allergies. We ask you to keep your dog close to you in order to prevent other people feel unsafe.

Please also show solidarity with our youngest comrades and their parenting crew; while we will have a separate children’s programme/space.


Sessions will be held in Dutch or English. About 70% of events will be held in English this year, due to the theme of international solidarity.

The language of each workshop corresponds to the language in which the workshop has been announced in the programme. 

We will provide a whispering-translation-corner NL->EN or EN->NL at each event for those who don’t speak English, or Dutch.

Children’s programme

For this edition we have a full blown children’s programme with five events spanning Saturday and Sunday in the morning, and early afternoon.

After the children’s programme ends halfway through the afternoon, the space will be reserved for children and families. 

Press, own- & social media

The activities during the festival are not freely accessible to journalists. We ask anybody who would like to make recordings – text, audio, or video – to go to the 2.Dh5 info booth by the entrance for details. Any complains about press conduct can be brought to the info booth as well. Please also refrain from tagging individuals or posting images where individuals can be identified.

Other needs

In an ideal world 2.Dh5 would be fully accessible to everyone. Sadly this is not possible due to our limited funds, and the limitations of the venue. Nonetheless, if you have any specific access needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via and we will do our best to come to a suitable arrangement.

Also if you have any other questions concerning accessibility at 2.Dh5, or if you have any comments or tips, we’d love to hear from you.