The 2.Dh5 Festival for world changers is a place to discuss grass-roots campaigns, tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based on freedom and solidarity. We do this by engaging in analyses of the current and historical context, by looking at real alternatives, and (re)discovering strategies.
We’ll bring together various groups, campaigns and individuals who are active in struggles around feminism, queer, anti-racism, anti-fascism, decolonialism, anti-militarism, international solidarity, climate/ecology, labour, migration/no-border, internet freedom/privacy, right to the city/gentrification and all their intersections. We aim to learn from one another, strengthen our struggles, and work on building a better world.
You can get in touch with us via email: info@2dh5.nl.
Sleeping: slaapplek@2dh5.nl
Reports: verslag@2dh5.nl
Volunteers: vrijwilligers@2dh5.nl
Stands: stands@2dh5.nl
Childcare: kids@2dh5.nl
Stay up to date about 2.Dh5 and sign up for our newsletter.
Instagram: instagram.com/2Dh5_festival
Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.social
Mastodont: https://mastodon.social/@2dh5
Support 2.Dh5
The festival is run by volunteer labour on a shoestring budget. Any help is more than welcome.
We are always looking for people to:
- help out with some practical tasks during the festival-weekend, like provide technical assistance, write reports of the workshops, or help out with video/audio recordings.
- help spread our posters, flyers and share the festival via social media.
You can also help us out financially by sending money to: NL56 SNSB 09 79 65 67 61 for Zwart Zaad, Utrecht mentioning in the description: 2.Dh5 Festival.
Or scan this QR code, and donate to 2.Dh5.

2.Dh5 is financially supported by amongst others Het Actiefonds and Alert fund for Youth: