Would you like to help spread the word about the 2.Dh5 Festival? Below you will find promotional material including images, and example (social) media posts.
Thanks for your help in making this festival a great success. Please also let us know what you’ve shared and where.
General 2.Dh5 promo text:
2.Dh5 2021 – Uit de Pan – In het Vuur
The 15e edition of the yearly 2.Dh5 Festival will take place online on February 27th & 28th, with the theme ‘Out of the Frying Pan – Into the Fire’.
Social media:
Facebook pagina: https://www.facebook.com/2Dh5festival
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/292071485406514
Instagram: https://instagram.com/2dh5_2021
Example tweet:
Check out the 2.Dh5 Festival, in in the weekend of Feb. 27th & 28th, with online webinars and workshops to discuss grass-roots campaigns, tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based on freedom and solidarity. https://www.2dh5.nl
Example Facebook post (kort):
Check out the 2.Dh5 Festival, in in the weekend of Feb. 27th & 28th, with online webinars and workshops to discuss grass-roots campaigns, tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based on freedom and solidarity Online events – sign up here: https://www.2dh5.nl
* Nazi-hippies en het corona complot
* Stop het veiligheidsdenken: samen tegen de politiek van security en militarisering
* Podcastnet – Netwerkbijeenkomst voor podcastmakers
* Movement strategy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Diversity of Tactics
* Educate, Agitate, Organise – reevaluating the balance
* Comfortably numb: perspectives on action within georgrapic contexts
Example Facebook post (lang):
CCheck out the 2.Dh5 Festival, in in the weekend of Feb. 27th & 28th, with online webinars and workshops to discuss grass-roots campaigns, tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based on freedom and solidarity. Online events – sign up here: https://www.2dh5.nl
za 27 feb : 10:00 – 11:30
Educate, Agitate, Organise – reevaluating the balance
In a world where agitation seems to gain the most recognition, how can revalue the work of educating for, and building the foundation of a new world while the agitators disrupt the old one?
Sprekers: Herman (Dorothy Gemeenschap), Liz (ASEED), more tba.
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/educate-agitate-organise-reevaluating-the-balance/
za 27 feb : 12:00 – 13:30
Movement strategy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Diversity of Tactics
How to build a diverse moment in which different types of campaigns, actions, and groups can complement each other instead of infighting? A discussion with Code Rood, 80s anti-apartheid movement, and Extinction Rebellion.
Sprekers: Kees Stad, Harriet Bergman (Code Rood), Kathi (Extinction Rebellion)
zo 28 feb : 10:30 – 12:15
Comfortably numb: perspectives on action within georgrapic contexts
How does the experience of organizing, direct action, research, and other political activity relate to the local and historical contexts in which they exist? What can activists in different cultures and political climates find different or common, what lessons can they learn from each other’s experience? How does it relate to one’s position in the neocolonial global North/South divide?
Speakers: tba
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/comfortably-numb-perspectives-on-action-within-georgrapic-contexts/
zo 28 feb : 13:00 – 14:30
Stop het veiligheidsdenken: samen tegen de politiek van security en militarisering
Migratie, klimaatverandering, pandemieën en andere problemen worden steeds vaker geframed als veiligheidsproblemen, wat leidt tot een proces van gesecuritiseerde en gemilitariseerde reacties. Paneldiscussie over hoe we deze veiligheidsframing tegen kunnen gaan en echte oplossingen en alternatieve veiligheidsconcepten vanuit onze verschillende perspectieven en posities kunnen promoten.
Sprekers: Jair (Control-Alt-Delete), Lotte Houwing (Bits of Freedom), Maartje (Stop the War on Migrants), Wendela de Vries (Stop Wapenhandel)
zo 28 feb : 14:30 – 16:00
Nazi-hippies en het corona complot
De COVID-19 pandemie en het overheidsbeleid hierop hebben geleid tot steeds radicalere reacties. Deze komen uit verschillende hoeken, zo ook uit een hoek die een combinatie is van rechts-extremisten, complotdenkers, en de New-Age. Maar wat brengt deze bij elkaar? Zal dit een blijvende connectie zijn? Is dit al langer gaande en zo ja, hoe is dit tot stand gekomen?
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/nazi-hippies-en-het-corona-complot/
Example website post:
Titel: 2.Dh5 Festival Programma has been announced
Because of the Corona pandemic this years edition we have been forces to make the decision to move the 2.Dh5 festival completely online. In the weekend of Febrary 27th and 28th 2021 we will present a smaller programme than usual, with six webinars and workshops around about important questions the for movements from below and to the left.
To participate in the festival we are asking you to sign up beforehand for every individual session in which you wish to participate. We do this to prevent Zoom bomming. Of course you can use an alias to protect your identity. After signing up you will receive a personal link with which you can participate in the session.
Pandemic permitting, we expect to be back in 2022 with a regular edition of 2.Dh5, with dozens of session covering a host of topics, stands, and the posibility to meet each other face to face. Until then, and for now, see you in cyberspace!
Programme: https://www.2dh5.nl/en/
za 27 feb : 10:00 – 11:30
Educate, Agitate, Organise – reevaluating the balance
In a world where agitation seems to gain the most recognition, how can revalue the work of educating for, and building the foundation of a new world while the agitators disrupt the old one?
Sprekers: Herman (Dorothy Gemeenschap), Liz (ASEED), more tba.
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/educate-agitate-organise-reevaluating-the-balance/
za 27 feb : 12:00 – 13:30
Movement strategy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Diversity of Tactics
How to build a diverse moment in which different types of campaigns, actions, and groups can complement each other instead of infighting? A discussion with Code Rood, 80s anti-apartheid movement, and Extinction Rebellion.
Sprekers: Kees Stad, Harriet Bergman (Code Rood), Kathi (Extinction Rebellion)
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/movement-strategy-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-diversity-of-tactics/
zo 28 feb : 10:30 – 12:15
Comfortably numb: perspectives on action within georgrapic contexts
How does the experience of organizing, direct action, research, and other political activity relate to the local and historical contexts in which they exist? What can activists in different cultures and political climates find different or common, what lessons can they learn from each other’s experience? How does it relate to one’s position in the neocolonial global North/South divide?
Speakers: tba
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/comfortably-numb-perspectives-on-action-within-georgrapic-contexts/
zo 28 feb : 13:00 – 14:30
Stop het veiligheidsdenken: samen tegen de politiek van security en militarisering
Migratie, klimaatverandering, pandemieën en andere problemen worden steeds vaker geframed als veiligheidsproblemen, wat leidt tot een proces van gesecuritiseerde en gemilitariseerde reacties. Paneldiscussie over hoe we deze veiligheidsframing tegen kunnen gaan en echte oplossingen en alternatieve veiligheidsconcepten vanuit onze verschillende perspectieven en posities kunnen promoten.
Sprekers: Jair (Control-Alt-Delete), Lotte Houwing (Bits of Freedom), Maartje (Stop the War on Migrants), Wendela de Vries (Stop Wapenhandel)
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/stop-het-veiligheidsdenken-samen-tegen-de-politiek-van-security-en-militarisering/
zo 28 feb : 14:30 – 16:00
Nazi-hippies en het corona complot
De COVID-19 pandemie en het overheidsbeleid hierop hebben geleid tot steeds radicalere reacties. Deze komen uit verschillende hoeken, zo ook uit een hoek die een combinatie is van rechts-extremisten, complotdenkers, en de New-Age. Maar wat brengt deze bij elkaar? Zal dit een blijvende connectie zijn? Is dit al langer gaande en zo ja, hoe is dit tot stand gekomen?
Aanmelden: https://www.2dh5.nl/event/nazi-hippies-en-het-corona-complot/
Announcement of the festival:
Out of the Frying Pan – Into the Fire – 2.Dh5 Festival 2021
The 2.Dh5 Festival is an annual gathering for world changers from the Netherlands and beyond, a place to discuss grassroots campaigns alongside the radical tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based on freedom and solidarity. In response to corona restrictions, the format of the 2021 2. Dh5 festival is taking on a new form, with details to be announced within the next month. Keep an eye on our here on our site, on Facebook and on our brand new Instagram page for future announcements and information.
In the interim, we present the theme for the fifteenth edition of 2.Dh5:
“Out of the Frying Pan – Into the Fire”
This old saying expresses what many have experienced over the course of 2020 – a sense that ‘politics as usual’ is moving from a bad situation to one that is even worse. For many of us, this is not a new feeling – the survival of our comrades and communities has required years of resistance to situations that always seem to go from bad to worse, despite the valiant efforts of our ‘politics as usual.’
The shock of COVID-19 has uprooted all of our lives in many different ways and the impact of this crisis will continue to define life for the foreseeable future. What will the world look like after Corona and how will our politics fit into this future? Are we on the brink of yet another worldwide economic crisis, the proportions of which we’ve never seen before? And what to do about the ongoing climate breakdown that looms foreboding on humanity’s horizon?
Change is coming whether we like it or not, that much is clear. The question that remains is what political forms, alliances and commitments we will be able to create together. ‘Out of the frying pan – into the fire expresses many shared anxieties resulting from the current array of catastrophes. But it is also an incitement for us to ‘play with fire’ in our political practices, for us to ‘fan the flames of our discontent,’ and for us to ‘fire up’ new forms of resistance and transformative change. We all may be headed